David and GoliathBlue EyedFatal AttractionDSC_0996Mussel Pool Duck cropHillarys stormLife CycleDSC_0964

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Amazingly enough we hardly had any jetlag. The day before last we arrived at 14.30 at Perth airport. The actual immigration procedure didn't take any extra time at all. Just a simple stamp in the passports was all. After arriving at Louise's place we had a nice dinner and a nice chat. We were able to stay up untill 22.00 before crashing into bad. A good night sleep, and we were up and running the next morning.

Yesterday we went to the bank to change our addres and arrange some more account and bank cards. Also Peter bought a new mobile phone and a pair of sunglasses. At the end of the afternoon we had a look at a Ford dealer and saw an interesting (demo) Territory. This morning we went back for a test drive. After that drive and some tough negotiating we bought it !! We didn't expect beforehand that we would buy a car this fast, but we did...

When we will have some decent access through a broadband connection, we'll upload some photo's..


  1. Wat heerlijk dat jullie al zo snel het nieuwe leventje oppakken. Gelijk een nieuwe auto, toe maar!
    Jullie hebben gelijk, juist door actief te zijn zul je het gemakkelijkst integreren. Wij wensen jullie alle succes van de wereld (en Australiƫ)
    Giel en Marijke.

  2. Groot gelijk!
    Waar blijf je zonder transportmiddel?

    Even op internet gekeken hoe zo'n auto eruit ziet, prachtige wagen!

    Hopelijk gaat het met het zoeken naar een job net zo gemakkelijk.

    Jan Roza
