David and GoliathBlue EyedFatal AttractionDSC_0996Mussel Pool Duck cropHillarys stormLife CycleDSC_0964

Monday, April 14, 2008


Well, well, just in time to prevent a full 3 months gap between the posts.. Time really is flying when you're having fun!

Anyway, now that we are back (sort of ;-) I (Pete) need to tell you about C-Day. Although it may sound a bit like another one of those Ozzie holidays (like Anzac-day or Labour day) it is not. In a way it is a much more interesting day. The exact day of C-Day is Friday, April the 4th. Almost exactly 3 years ago we were in Canada visiting my dad. During that day I actually fell in love with ... C. C actually being his last name. First name 300.... Can you guess by now? No?

Ok, the family name is Chrysler. In that family there are a few members with a normal heart (3 and 3.5 liter and 6 'chambers') and two with a big heart. The biggest heart (6.1 liter, 8 chambers) is a real race monster. The one just below that one is the one that I actually started a relationship with... His name: Chrysler 300C Hemi... Hence the C-Day, the day our relationship started!

Now, just in case you still do not have the picture, HERE is a picture of his face: