The pool company had told us last week (after we called them to ask!) that the plastering was planned for next Friday, weather permitting. We asked if they could confirm (like the day before) so we would be prepared....
Law and behold: Friday morning at 5.50 am Peter's alarm clock went off AND the doorbell rang, exactly at the same time... The plastering guys were there.
Asked why they were this early, they said they always need to be on location before sunrise (later we learned that could not have been true, since from next week they would be doing 2 pools a day in stead of one ;-):
And then finally, Friday at 17:00 we could start filling the pool. They told us that once starting, the tap should NOT be closed till the water is at the top-level-tiles to prevent markings on the side of the pool. Here is an impression of how fast (slow!) you can fill up a pool:
FRIDAY, 17:07
FRIDAY, 18:00
FRIDAY, 19:00
SATURDAY, 09:00 (28 hours to fill up to about 50 cm)
Our current estimation is that the pool should be filled by Sunday afternoon....
Zou de rest van de buurt nog druk op de leiding hebben? Mocht dat niet het geval zijn, kunnen jullie nog altijd een BBQ voor de buurt bij de pool organiseren. Ziet er goed uit en het weer schijnt ook goed te worden voor zondagochtend als de laatste druppel kraanwater valt. Zwembroek aan en kilometers maken! Veel plezier. Ewald, Nicole en Timo