We started from the North shore of the Swan river in Perth CBD and walked from there to Fremantle. I (Ellen) planned to do the walk together with Hinke (one of our friends from the Dutch walking group) but a couple of days before the big day, Eric (my cousin) called us to say that he would be happy to join us :-).
The weather was very good. It was a bit cloudy and sometimes even a little bit fresh, but that is very good when you are walking. So at least we had the chance to cool down a bit.
Here you will see some of the pictures taken during the walk.
Here at the start with Eric:
And some impressions during the walk.
Along the Swan river.
Isn't he sweet? While his boss was waiting for the red traffic light, I was just able to take his picture :-). He was sitting at the back of a little pick up truck.
Of course also one of the finish to prove we made it! Here together with Hinke.
At the end we took our well deserved food. Eric could not resist the sizzling sausages with onions. Sauces enough to choose from. I must say, the sausages smelled terrific!
We did the walk in about 3 hours. Peter would pick us up at the end and while Peter was driving to Fremantle, Eric and I tried the Little Creatures brewery :-).
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