Didn’t we tell you before that the Australian tax office is very quick (money paid on your account within 2 weeks after sending the tax return through internet!)?
Well, the Dutch tax office is a very different story. So, for all the guys who still are planning to migrate, make sure you owe the tax office money and not the other way around :-)!
We are (unluckily) in the position that the tax office owes us and we will never know when we will get it. From other migrants we heard many of them also are waiting for the final tax return, some even already a couple of years!!!
We sent our M- form (2006) to the tax office in February 2007 and called several times -since August- asking when we could expect any response. Finally two weeks ago we were called back by the tax- office in Tilburg. It seemed that our forms were split up in two parts, during scanning and now it was not possible to make a judgement about the tax return? I asked where the originals were. Is it not possible to scan them again? The guy from the helpdesk answered that this might be possible, but it might take months before the forms would be taken out of the archive from Apeldoorn and available for scanning again………………..What are they doing the whole day????
He was so kind to ask another department to send us the new forms again. No, sending a copy was not allowed. I was only possible to write everything down again on the original form. Can you believe it? This is red tape all over the place!
But, what can you do, when you are on the other side of the planet…. Nothing at all.
So we just had a big laugh about it, thanked the guy for his help and drank our wine and cola and switched on the patient button.
This is now 1,5 week ago, and we are still waiting for these forms to come…..