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Monday, March 19, 2007

Who's afraid of 4 eyes?

Some weeks ago we had a typical Ozzie 'pet' in our house for a couple of days. Usually in one corner (of the ceiling) for a whole day, and then in another corner the next day.
Only when it decided to sit on the bedroom wall we decided it was time to relocate outside (nicely with a big bowl, brave Ellen!).

Who we are talking about? Well, here is a photo not too close. In reality our pet was about 15 cm's from left to right:

And then for the ones that can handle a 'closer up' click on this:
Huntsman close

And for the really curious ones, this 'pet' is called a Huntsman spider.
Want to know a bit more? Look here.

1 comment:

  1. OMG!!!
    Deze is wel heel erg groot!!!
    Kan me niet voorstellen dat ik zo eentje in mijn huis zou willen hebben!!!!
    Brrrrrr. Dappere Ellen, dat jij haar buiten hebt gezet!

