As most of you know we have been on a holiday. Below is a report of this holiday. Because of the number of photos we will publish only one day at a time, giving us the time to process and upload the photos and (more importantly ;-) giving you the time to read it all without having to sit for hours and hours behind your pc….
In the morning (February the 13th) we started our big (;-) trip down South. We started following the Albany Highway (from Perth more or less straight to Albany).
Most part of this highway is just two lanes, with some overtaking lanes every 5 kilometers. Those overtaking lanes are necessary, since some big trucks with wide loads travel along these roads too. Unfortunately we had to stay a long while behind a specific pair of ‘wide-load’ trucks, because even on the overtaking lanes they took too much space to be able to overtake safely. Only at the 4th overtaking lane we were able to pass them all.
Around lunch time we stopped in the first little town on the map called North Bannister. At least according to the map it is a little town, but it really looks like just a roadhouse along the road. No other houses or anything to be seen ;-). At this roadhouse we stopped for a quick lunch (meat pies, wedges and a drink). Unfortunately they did not serve cappuccino.
A good hour later (on the road again) we had to wait a few minutes for ‘work in progress’. Peter decided to make a photo of the work, but at the moment he pointed the camera to the cherry picker the roadman turned the STOP-sign to SLOWLY. So, he had to snap quickly and then get the car moving ;-)
Our first overnight stop was in a motel in Katanning
After putting all our stuff in the room we drove around the town, but we found it to be a very, very quit little town. So we decided to have diner at the motel’s restaurant. Tomorrow we will drive to Albany, and were planning on the way there to have a coffee break at the Dutch Lily Mill and have a ‘broodje kroket’ (a Dutch snack). Also we were hoping they might have some good coffee there, since as of this morning we have not had any decent cappuccino (yes, we are a bit picky when it comes to coffee ;-)).
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