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Sunday, July 23, 2006

Ikea2 and walking

Last week we have been busy (amongst other things) to assemble the cupboards we bought at Ikea. It took a day and a half in total, but we like them a lot. We have ordered two more ;-). Unfortunately there was one set of doors that was NOT the right colour (birch in stead of white), so the idea that Ikea was a bit better organised here (concerning orderpicking and delivery) than in Holland wasn't the right one.

Since last week there seems to be someone who is making comments on our posts (one comment on each post!) with a stupid sentence like 'I found information here' with the word 'here' hiding a link. We had to decide to try and stop that kind of rubbish, so we are going to turn on the option that you have to sign in at blogger to be able to make a comment. We hope it is not too uncomfortable for you. To give you some time to react we will change that setting in a week from now. Please let us know if you would have a problem with that.

Then a special message to Frank R.: Frank, we know you are about to start your sabbatical trip (biking to Turkey) soon. We hope you have a nice trip!! If possible let us know how the trip goes.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the special note. I'm leaving this Tuesday. I'll send you a mail about this as well, but they convinced us that blogging would be a good way to tell the story. So you can look at

    I'm realing looking forward to get on the road.
