David and GoliathBlue EyedFatal AttractionDSC_0996Mussel Pool Duck cropHillarys stormLife CycleDSC_0964

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Ikea and Telstra

Last Saturday we had some friends over (Dutch immigrants and some partners). It was very nice, and we made some plans for starting up a 'walking'group'. A date for the first walk is set.

Last Monday we have been to Ikea (again ;-) and ordered some more cupboards, so we can start organising the last two 'to be organised' rooms, the office and the hobby-room. They just called that they would be here in half an hour to deliver them. We are also planning to have a look at Caversham Wildlife park in Whiteman Park. The idea is to organise the (1st) walk there, so we want to have a look first, and make some nice pictures.

Peter has joined a Bowling league (10-pin bowling). Last Thursday evening he played for the first time (in years ;-).

Yesterday we contacted Telstra (since they had not contacted us). There was no news concerning the sent package. First they agreed to just send a new package, but a few minutes later told us we could also go to any Telstra shop and simply buy the DIY package. The money for that will then be refunded on the invoices. So, that is one of the main items on the shoppinglist for today!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Peter and Ellen,

    Wanted to say again that we really enjoyed last Saturday!
    Great photo's, when we see you guys again we'll bring a cd so you can burn them in original size, so I can have your and our groupphoto's printed off :)
    Good to see you found our site by the way.
    Keep in touch,
