I have been somewhat distracted from updating our holiday blog because of spending time on (getting into) macro photography. Do feel free to check out the most recent posts on my Facebook photography page () if you haven't seen those yet:-).
So, back to our holiday (now three months ago - although it feels like a year ago!). As we usually try to plan as part of our European Holidays, we had a couple of days away from the Netherlands. Having 'discovered' Austria as a great summer holiday destination last time, we drove to Salzburg for a 5 day stay. We chose Salzburg after seeing the city featured in a TV show (Classical Destinations).
Here are some initial impressions of (the city of) Salzburg:

What we did not realise (at the time of booking) was that the weather can be quite unpredictable. Of the in total 5 days we were there, we had about 3.5 days of rain (or rainy circumstances). While not too bad from photography perspective, it did mean we could go out as much as we thought we were ..
Of course, having some proper clothing did help:

On of the dry days we used for a day-trip. The destination was St Gilgen (a village at the Wolfgang See) from where we would be able to take a funicular (cable car?) up the 12 Horned Mountain. On the way there we had a little coffee / lunch break at Fuschl am See. A very beautiful little village at a extremely beautiful location...:

What about being watched while going to the bathroom? I knew these type of bathrooms exist, it was however the first time I actually saw one in person .. :-)

With some regret (because we did not have the time to actually do the whole 'walk around the lake' walk) we moved on to drive to St Gilgen, and get ourselves in the cable car up the mountain...:

Rocking Bench with a view ..:
And this time the photographer is actually IN the picture..

Not us .. :

And this is where we'll leave you for now. Next time some more photos of the city of Salzburg and we will be going UNDERGROUND ...
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