So we ended 'part 3' when we reached the Giglachsee Hutte:
Time for a bit of rest and some drinks. And some balancing tricks by the youngest participant in the walk:
Instead of skis, it' all canes waiting for their owners to start walking again:
Time to walk back, here's an impression:
When we returned at the little rest houses at the start of the walk there were some different type of 'guests':
So that ended another very nice day:
THE NEXT DAY (last full day before driving back to the Netherlands) we decided to go up to the Dachstein mountain to have a look at the Dachstein Gletscher.
We were advised (thanks Dave!!) that we should either drive to the lift very early (be there by 08:00am) OR wait till late morning. This being holiday we obviously decided to do the latter ... While driving up (and yes again loads of hairpin turns) we saw the side of the roads already packed with cars from a few kilometers before the destination. We thought these must have been from early arrivals and decided to drive on and hope for a place closer at the lift. Indeed that was a good choice. Still busy, but places available (see the little restaurant at the top left?):
Before going up to the gletscher we obviously had to have a bit of food (nearing lunch time after all):
Here's a view from the restaurant's terrace were we were sitting:
So then it was time to make the trip up to the gletscher. The top side of the gletscher is at about 2600 m high. The 'lift' up is to somewhere up there:
Some shots from the way up:
And there the top of the gletscher:
Oh, and on the way up we noted someone that seems to have taken a slightly different route:
A few more shots from up there, do have a look at the whole set though (go here: and then click on the slideshow button, you'll get all shots of this Dachstein trip)... I just couldn't stop shooting to be honest ...
And a final one for here, a panoramic photo (combination of about 6 photos):
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