As far as news: the only news we have is that we have signed a contract to get a (concrete) lap-pool built! We are looking forward to that. The building should start in April and be ready about July. Then about 2 months later the paving around it should be done. So, next summer we will be swimming...
Beginning of January we had another walk with the walking group:
More walking photos here.
Then there was McNaughts comet that comes by every 40 years or so. I have been able to make some photos:
More comet photos here.
Finally Ellen went out on another kayak trip. Cousin Eric has bought a boat of his own and they went on a river trip with Tim and his girlfriend.
More kayak photos here.
I went there earlier regarding some business related work of aquabot for 3 weeks ... and its really very hot that day..Southern hemisphere's weather is really opposite....Thanks for the information...