David and GoliathBlue EyedFatal AttractionDSC_0996Mussel Pool Duck cropHillarys stormLife CycleDSC_0964

Monday, February 27, 2006

Slowly but surely we are starting to say goodbye's. Peter's cousin and his wife came by this afternoon to say goodbye (ok, one month earlier than expected, but what the ... ;-).

After the dinner table and chairs and some smaller plants where picked up last week, today our big palm-plant (2m high) has been picked up. Another new empty spot in the house!

A lot of times we are asked why we are emigrating to Australia, and although it is not very simple to explain it, the following link does cover a big part of it:

Another link that we would like to share with you is the following one. This Sunset Cottage is the house that we will be renting from the end of April till the end of June (and after that, who knows, maybe stay there a bit longer, maybe we'll be looking for a house to buy of our own):

1 comment:

  1. Leuk huisje voor de eerste maanden, maarre.... niet een beetje te klein voor jullie 2-tjes ;-)
    Mooie promo trouwens: Ga van alles genieten. We zijn razend nieuwsgierig hoe fijn en leuk jullie het krijgen in dit mooie land en gaan jullie belevenissen volgen.
    Verder met aftellen!
