Back to Salzburg, probably one of the most very photogenic cities in Europe..

Free concerts in the city park:

Another thing that is really big (even though not even close to being Christmas:-)), is the Xmas shopping:

The weather forecast for the next day was not too good, so we decided to do an underground trip. We went to Hallein, visiting a salt mine (THE salt mine that was the original source of wealth for the Nobility in Salzburg ..

Protective clothing was mandatory ... protection for salty water dripping of the ceiling or walls .... (or so we thought):

And here was the actual reason for the protective clothing .. nothing to with wet stuff .. rather to protect against burning or ripping your clothes .. :-)

One of the original mniners .. (or so they say):

The next day, even though the weather was not exactly ideal (at the start) we decided to walk up the Monchsberg (mountain / hill where the "Hohensalzburg castle is), to enjoy nice views across the city and beyond...

Did I say we were not the only tourists out there? :-)

Time for a little pop-quiz ... Which of these 3 statues do you think would be the most recent??

We've got a suspicion that this was actually King Peter, the owner of that castle ..... :p

And this is where we leave you for now, one more post in the 'pipeline' with some photos from back in The Netherlands (visiting our nephews voluntary fireplace station and doing some baking ....)