Well ... another 10 months without any news. I guess that is what happens, the longer you're here the rarer something new or interesting happens. And you dont take time to update the blog anymore:-).
Anyway, last weekend we entered the WA Open Championship. Being at level 2 we entered de level 2 and level 3 for ballroom and new vogue. ALthough this was the second time we competed in our formal dancing outfit, it was the first time that Martin van der Poel made some recordings again. So for all of you who have been waiting to see us without having to go to Perth .. have a look at below recordings.
Oh before you look, the results were:
L2 Standaard: 2nd of 7 competitors (unfortunately no recordings of this one) L3 Standaard: 3rd of 6 L2 New Vogue: 2nd of 4 L3 New Vogue: 5th of 5 (clearly not quite at that level, although we think we are not far away:-)).