David and GoliathBlue EyedFatal AttractionDSC_0996Mussel Pool Duck cropHillarys stormLife CycleDSC_0964

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

HOT-HOT-HOT Boxing day

In case you had not noticed it, this year's boxing day looks to become a hot one ... We will probably stay indoors today :-).
Currently at 11am it was almost 40 degrees already..
We still think this is better than being out there on the ice (brrrr ... ;-).

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Christmas present ;-)

Hoi Adri, ook heel leuk om reactie(s) te krijgen van (tot op heden) onbekende mensen. Stuur gerust een mailtje naar... als je wat meer wilt vertellen (is er een kans dat we je dochter kennen, of iemand die haar kent, etc, etc ..). Ben je via haar op onze site terecht gekomen? Alvast veel plezier met het voorbereiden van de bruiloft!!

Hi All, we can not believe another month has gone by again... Did anything interesting happen? Not really. The pool is now completed with the installation of the solar heating two weeks ago. The weather in the last few days is a bit non-typical for Perth (grey skies and a bit of rain). But the forecast for the next days) including Christmas are looking just fine... Have a look at the weather link on the left side.

Regarding the present: Most of you will be aware that we are not very X-mas spirited people (that is trying not to get trapped in the yearly commercial frenzy ;-). But we did get a (sort of) very nice Christmas present. As of yesterday Ellen started her first day as a permanent employee (working as project manager) in Australia.

The process to get Peter's contract converted to a permanent position has been intiated as well, so if the people in the US are not being stupid (;-) he should be starting his first day as permanent employee somewhere in January as well...

Anyway, that is it for now. If we do not speak or mail to you before, then a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year to all of you!!