David and GoliathBlue EyedFatal AttractionDSC_0996Mussel Pool Duck cropHillarys stormLife CycleDSC_0964

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Swimming Pool - Update 6 & another winner

[Newsflash: My Blue Eyed photo (see previous post) has won the (Flickr online) 2nd half of July Australian Photographers, WA competition]

For anyone (besides mom :-) wondering if they do bull fighting in Perth: They don't. The bull shot was taken at a Rodeo at El caballo, half an hour drive east of Perth.

The backfilling has taken place and also the pencil compacting (compacting the 15 cm of sand directly around the pool) has been done. We are now waiting till the fence will be put back. Some photos (we are then up to date till today, July 25th :-):

DSC_5914 DSC_5926
DSC_5925 DSC_5921
DSC_5934 DSC_5931 DSC_5929 DSC_5928

Friday, July 13, 2007

NEPG July Competition

After skipping the last two competitions (too busy, too busy :-( ) I finally entered some entries in the July one again. Two prints did not win a price (in Prints, Subject 'Creative Nature'), but the entry in the slide got 1st price!

The entries that did not win anything (but, I think, are still nice photos ;-) are:

Blue Eyed:
Blue Eyed

Melting Bird:
Melting Bird

And the winner is: