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Today it was time for one of the definitely TO DO destinations: The Busselton jetty. Length: 2 km! Here is a photo report:
Ready for the "do or dare" jump:
(Note: These 3 photos are panorama shots, can take a bit longer to load)
Life guard who is getting bored:
After the jetty, we drove to Bunbury. We had already decided not to stay any other nights from home, so it had to be a short visit. After a nice lunch (yes eating again ;-) we went to the (best?) viewpoint in Bunbury. We have to say we really like the atmosphere in Bunbury, and will definitely go back for a longer visit there.
(Note: These 2 photos are panorama shots, can take a bit longer to load)
On the way back we took a side turn to Preston Beach. Just before entering the town you pass Lake Preston. The dry winter of this year has had as result that the lake is more like a sand-lake:
(Note: This photos is a panorama shot, can take a bit longer to load)
Then last stop on the way home, for an ice cream and some views at Rockingham (at the beach at Cape Peron). And no, we did not make those skid marks …
Oh, we almost forgot: this was a good cappuccino day, because we were home at 9pm ;-)